The Ginthusiast

News, reviews and and tasting notes from one woman on a mission to find the world's best gin and tonic

About Me

I’ve loved gin since my very first taste – a sip of my mum’s Gordon’s and Schweppe’s tonic with lots of ice and lime in a tall high ball glass which was wet with the condensation of a hot summer’s evening. Things may have moved on a little since then, but the same feeling from the first sip of an ice-cold G&T on a hot tongue remains.

Residing in London, I’m spoilt for choice when it comes to gin bars, gin cocktails, speciality shops and events. I started this blog to keep a diary of all the gins I’d tried, bars I’ve visited, mixers that match, Martinis consumed, bottles I’ve bought, etc.

I am by no means an expert – just a curious fan, a slave to the juniper berry, and an all-round gin lover.

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